Letter Puzzle and Guess the Fruit Picture

Name Puzzle Huruf Tebak Gambar Buah Puzzle Huruf Tebak Gambar Buah is the most famous version in the Puzzle Huruf Tebak Gambar Buah series of publisher Qreatif
Genre Educational
Size 29.95 MB
Version 1.0
Update September 1, 2024
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Letter Puzzle and Guess the Fruit Picture

Hello Mom and Dad

The Letter Puzzle Game and Guess the Fruit Picture contain educational games for children aged 4-7 years to practice arranging letters into words in a fun way. This game is in the fruits edition so the words that are composed later are the words fruits so it is also useful for introducing fruit names to children. Apart from that, there is also a game of guessing the name of the fruit, here children can guess the picture of the fruit according to the sound that is sounded.

In this game there are more than 27 pieces introduced.


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